
November 21, 2018

Air pollution can take a decade off your life expectancy

Emma Richards

AIR pollution is the greatest threat to human health and cuts the average lifespan by almost two years globally, according to new research. Major Asian cities are among the worst affected, taking as much as a decade off citizens lives.

The analysis from University of Chicago looks at particulate matter air pollution, produced through burning fossil fuels by vehicles and industry. The burning produces microscopic particles capable of penetrating deep into the lungs and bypassing the body’s natural defences. When it enters the bloodstream it can cause lung disease, cancer, strokes, and heart attacks, as well as mental health issues in children.

The new index shows the risks of air pollution from a more human perspective. Rather than measure it by air quality alone, the new Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) converts air pollution into perhaps the most important metric that exists: its impact on life expectancy.

Researchers found some parts of the world are much worse than others, with many of the most dangerous levels occurring in Asia-Pacific.

While the global average cut in lifespan is 1.8 years, this rises to 4.3 years in India and 2.9 years in China.

Taking a more localised review of conditions, researchers found residents of Beijing will live about six years fewer because of high pollution. In Delhi, the world’s most polluted city, residents can expect to live a whole decade less than if particulate concentrations were brought down to the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline.

While these are troubling statistics for Asia, across the world the situation is getting steadily worse, the study found. The average loss in life expectancy in 1998 was just one year; this has risen to 1.8 in 2016.

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