
August 28, 2024

Air Pollution Remains the Greatest External Risk to Human Health as Most Countries Fail to Set or Meet Their Own Standards for Clean Air

While pollution slightly dipped due largely to a trend reversal in South Asia, more than three-quarters of countries around the world have not set or aren’t meeting national pollution standards.

Though global pollution was slightly lower in 2022, its burden on life expectancy remains, according to new data from the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI). If the world were to permanently reduce fine particulate pollution (PM2.5) to meet the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guideline, the average person would add 1.9 years onto their life expectancy—or a combined 14.9 billion life-years saved worldwide.

This data makes clear that particulate pollution is the world’s greatest external risk to human health. Its impact on life expectancy is comparable to that of smoking, more than 4 times that of high alcohol use, more than 5 times that of transport injuries like car crashes, and more than 6 times that of HIV/AIDS. Yet, the pollution challenge worldwide is vastly unequal, with people living in the most polluted places on earth breathing air that is six times more polluted than the air breathed by those living in the least polluted places—and seeing their lives cut short by 2.7 years more because of it.

“While air pollution remains a global problem, its largest impacts are concentrated in a relatively small number of countries—cutting lives short several years in some places and even more than 6 years in some regions,” says Michael Greenstone, the Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and creator of the AQLI along with colleagues at the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC). “All too often, high pollution concentrations reflect low ambition in setting policy or a failure to successfully enforce existing policies. As countries balance their economic, health, and environmental goals, the AQLI will continue to shine a light on the longer lives that air pollution reductions deliver.”

National standards are an important tool to set strong policies and improve air quality. These standards—some strong and some weak—reflect the multiple policy goals countries have as they balance economic, environmental and health goals. However, a third of the world’s population lives in regions that don’t meet the standards that their countries have set. If those countries did meet their own benchmarks, these 2.5 billion people would live an average of 1.2 years longer.

“Setting ambitious standards is only one part of the puzzle,” says Tanushree Ganguly, the director of the AQLI. “Equally important is implementing policies and monitoring mechanisms that help enforce these standards. Some countries are succeeding in this, and that gives proof that air pollution is a solvable problem.”

While 37 out of 94 countries with standards aren’t meeting them, more than half of all countries and territories have not set a standard at all. Together, 77 percent of countries and territories worldwide have either not met or do not have a national standard. 

Of the countries with no standard, almost none (less than 1 percent) of the governments provide fully open pollution data and two-thirds don’t have any government pollution monitoring. With little data, it is difficult to set pollution standards and enforce them. To help confront this challenge, this year EPIC launched the EPIC Air Quality Fund to support local groups and organizations in installing monitors and providing open data to communities that could benefit the most.

“Highly polluted countries that have little or no air quality data often fall into a bad feedback cycle where having little data leads to little attention or policy investment in the issue which reinforces little demand for data,” says Christa Hasenkopf, the director of the Clean Air Program at EPIC. “Fortunately, there is a massive opportunity to stop this cycle with even a small amount of persistent, open air quality data. Such data has been shown to be essential for crafting and reinforcing national standards.”

Read the Full Report

South Asia

Global pollution declined in 2022 due almost entirely to a trend reversal in South Asia. While pollution had been on the rise for more than a decade, it declined by 18 percent in one year. While it’s difficult to know for sure the reasons for this decline, meteorological causes—such as above normal rainfall—likely played a strong role and only time will tell whether policy changes are having an impact.  Even with the decline, the region remains the most polluted in the world, accounting for 45 percent of total life years lost due to high pollution. The average person living in these countries would gain 3.5 years onto their lives if pollution were permanently reduced to meet the World Health Organization guideline.

See Factsheets: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan

Middle East and North Africa

Pollution has been on the rise in the Middle East and North Africa—2022 was no exception, with pollution increasing 13 percent. If this high level of pollution continues, residents are expected to lose about 1.3 years off their lives on average and 3 to 4 years in the most polluted areas such as Qatar—the world’s fourth most polluted country (up from eleventh).

See Factsheets: Qatar

Central and West Africa

Air pollution is as much of a health threat in Sub-Saharan Africa as well-known killers in the region like HIV/AIDS, malaria and unsafe water, with pollution taking as much as 5 years off lives in the most polluted areas. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea are among the ten most polluted countries in the world. Yet, out of 27 countries in this region, only two have a national pollution standard. Those without a standard don’t even have the monitoring and open pollution data networks needed to help them set an appropriate standard.

See Factsheets: Nigeria, DRC


Although the challenge of reducing air pollution across the world may seem daunting, China has had remarkable success, reducing pollution by 41 percent since 2013, the year before the country began a “war against pollution.” Due to these improvements, the average Chinese citizen can expect to live 2 years longer, provided the reductions are sustained. However, China still accounts for 20 percent of the world’s air pollution burden. The average person in China could see their life expectancy increase by 2.3 years more if the country met the WHO guideline for pollution.

See Factsheet: China

Southeast Asia

Like South Asia, most of Southeast Asia experienced a decline in pollution in 2022, though pollution levels have remained dangerously high and largely unchanged for two decades. Almost all Southeast Asian residents breathe air deemed unsafe by the WHO guideline, reducing average life expectancy by 1.2 years.

See Factsheets: Indonesia, Thailand

Latin America

In many parts of Latin America, such as Columbia, air pollution’s toll on life expectancy is comparable to violence. While average air quality is at an unsafe but relatively low level across the region, the most polluted areas—located within Guatemala, Bolivia, and Peru—experience pollution similar to South Asia. In these regions, the average resident would gain up to 4 years of life expectancy if their air quality met the WHO guideline.

See Factsheets: Colombia

United States

In the United States, Americans are exposed to 67.2 percent less particulate pollution than they would have been in 1970—prior to the passage of the Clean Air Act—and they’re living 1.5 years longer because of it. Yet, 94 percent of the country still doesn’t meet the WHO’s guideline (5 µg/m3).This year, the EPA implemented a more stringent standard (10 µg/m3) for particulate pollution, gaining 1.9 million total life years if this standard is met. In 2022, 10 out of the top 20 most polluted counties were in California due to the impact of wildfires.

See Factsheet: United States


In Europe, residents are exposed to about 30.2 percent less pollution than they were in 1998, soon after the Air Quality Framework Directive started, gaining 5.6 months of life expectancy because of it. Yet, 96.8 percent of Europe still doesn’t meet the WHO’s guideline. In 2022, the EU proposed ratcheting down their standard of 25 µg/m³ to 10 µg/m³ by 2030. But 75 percent of the population in 12 out of 28 EU member countries don’t meet this standard. The more polluted areas are in eastern Europe, where residents are living 4.8 months less than their western neighbors due to dirtier air. If all of the EU met the proposed standard, 56.4 million total life years would be gained.

See Factsheet: Europe