In the News
April 16, 2019
April 16, 2019
Industries in Latur are significantly contributing to air pollution and are one of the major factors that have earned the city the title of being one of the most polluted cities in Maharashtra, as is evident from an online portal of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. In a bid to acquaint the industries and the common people about industrial pollution, MPCB launched its online portal.
The program, run with the support of researchers from the Energy Policy Institute the University of Chicago’s India, gives details on industrial particulate matter emissions in a comprehensible manner. South Asia executive director for EPIC Anant Sudarshan said that the star-rating programme aimed at informing both citizens and industry owners how the factories were performing in comparison to others in the state. This ranking provides the incentive to industries in Latur to reduce air pollution and match their emission levels as levels as per the best performing factories in the state,” said Sudarshan.