
In the News

February 16, 2022

via Financial Times

China Makes Olympian Effort to Cut Pollution But Remains Short of WHO Standards

Beijing residents are breathing air that is half as polluted as it was during its Summer Olympics according to a new report from the AQLI.

In the News

February 8, 2022

via Axios

Cleaner Air Means Longer Lives for Beijingers

A new report from the Air Quality Life Index finds a decrease in pollution in China and Beijing.

In the News

February 8, 2022

via AP

EXPLAINER: How China Got Blue Skies in Time for Olympics

A new analysis from the AQLI is mentioned in AP.

In the News

February 3, 2022

via The Hill

Beijing Pollution Halved Since Last Olympics

The Hill features a new analysis from the Air Quality Life Index that finds pollution across China has plummeted.

In the News

February 2, 2022

via New York Times

Blue Skies in China, No Longer Just for the Olympics.

Across all of China, the concentration of extremely small particles was down two-fifths in 2020 compared with 2008, according to a new study from the AQLI.


February 2, 2022

Pollution in Beijing is Down by Half Since the Last Olympics, Adding Four Years onto Lives

China is winning Its ‘war against pollution,’ but further reductions would allow people to live longer and healthier lives.

In the News

December 27, 2021

via Vox

How Humans Could Live Two Years Longer

Vox cites AQLI and Michael Greenstone's Huai River paper.

In the News

November 25, 2021

via The Guardian

Pakistan Orders Monday Closure of Schools and Offices in Lahore to Cut Smog

According to the AQLI, the average resident of Lahore loses 5.3 years of their life.

In the News

November 23, 2021

via CNN

A Silent Killer is Choking India’s Capital. For Millions, There’s No Choice but To Breathe It In

Bad air could be reducing the life expectancy of hundreds of millions of Indians by as much as nine years, according to a recent study by the AQLI.

In the News

November 19, 2021

AQLI on The Daily Show

The satirical news show featured CNN coverage of AQLI data.