
In the News

September 16, 2021

via BBC

Indonesia President Found Negligent Over Jakarta Filthy Air

Jakarta's particulate pollution levels are six times the World Health Organization's guideline level, according to the University of Chicago's Air Quality Life Index.

In the News

September 16, 2021

Jakarta Court Finds Jokowi Negligent Over City’s Air Quality

AQLI Director Ken Lee talks about how the burning of fossil fuels is impacting Indonesia and it's capital city, Jakarta.


September 10, 2021

Air Pollution Cuts Indonesians’ Lives Short by More Than Two Years

Pollution shortens life expectancy by more than six years in the most polluted areas, Air Quality Life Index shows.


September 7, 2021

AQLI Joins Health Professionals in Call to Phase out Fossil Fuels in South Asia

Phasing out fossil fuels is critical to averting the twin crises of air pollution and climate change

In the News

September 7, 2021

via WTTW

Air Pollution Cutting More Years From People’s Lives Than Smoking, War or HIV/AIDS

AQLI Director Ken Lee is featured on WTTW's Chicago Tonight.

In the News

September 1, 2021

via CNN

Air Pollution Cutting More Years From People’s Lives Than Smoking, War or HIV/AIDS

New data from AQLI's 2021 Annual Update is featured in CNN.

In the News

September 1, 2021

via The Hill

Cutting Air Pollution Levels Could Raise Life Expectancy by 2 years: Study

Reducing global air pollution levels to meet the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines would boost average life expectancy by 2.2 years, according to the AQLI 2021 Annual Update.

In the News

September 1, 2021

via Reuters

Pollution Likely to Cut 9 Years of Life Expectancy of 40% of Indians

The AQLI Annual Update finds air pollution is likely to reduce the life expectancy of about 40% of Indians by more than nine years.

In the News

September 1, 2021

via The Guardian

Air Pollution is Slashing Years Off the Lives of Billions, Report Finds

Air pollution is cutting short the lives of billions of people by up to six years, according to a the 2021 AQLI Annual Update.


September 1, 2021

New Data Shows Strong Air Pollution Policies Lengthen Life Expectancy

The same clean air policies that can reduce fossil fuel emissions and help rein in climate change can also add up to 5 years onto people’s lives in the most polluted regions, while globally adding more than 2 years onto lives on average.