
In the News

January 15, 2019

via Hindustan Times

Delhiites could live 3 years longer if the Clean Air Plan works out

EPIC Director Michael Greenstone comments on what it takes for India's National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) to significantly reduce air pollution.


January 14, 2019

AQLI Launches in China as EPIC Forms Partnership with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Mandarin version makes AQLI accessible to 1 billion additional users.

In the News

January 13, 2019

via South China Morning Post

Pollution warnings as cities in northeast China shrouded in smog

As pollution alerts are given in the city of Tianjin, the South China Morning Post reference AQLI.

In the News

January 12, 2019


Dramatic drop in Chinese air pollution boosts life expectancy quotes Michael Greenstone on the Chinese launch of AQLI at the Paulson Institute in Beijing.

In the News

January 12, 2019

via The Straits Times

Better air in China can boost lifespan: Study

The Straits Times discusses health improvements of Tianjin city's residents and the feasibility of China's ability to meet WHO standards of air quality.

In the News

January 11, 2019

via Reuters

China could lift life expectancy by nearly three years if it meets WHO smog standards: study

China is winning its "War on Pollution" and could make further gains if cuts in particulate pollution are sustained, EPIC Director Michael Greenstone said during a presentation of the AQLI in Beijing.


January 10, 2019


在过去二十年里,大气污染已成为中国面临的严峻挑战。自 1998 年到 2013 年,伴随着经济的飞速增长,全国细颗粒物污染浓度平均增长了近 75%,超过世界卫生组织提出的安全标准的四倍以上。而在2013 年,中国政府提出《大气污染防治行动计划》,开启了一项宏伟的污染防治行动,制定了到 2017 年底改善空气质量的具体目标。


January 10, 2019



In the News

January 9, 2019

via BBC

Is air pollution the single greatest risk to human health?

EPIC Director Michael Greenstone details the main findings of the Air Quality Life Index report with BBC.

In the News

January 3, 2019

via Mongabay India

Air pollution major, underappreciated contributor to ill health in India

Mongabay-India takes a detailed look at the scourge of air pollution in India, citing data from the AQLI that shows Indians could live 4.3 years longer on average if the country met WHO guidelines for particulate pollution.