
In the News

November 19, 2018

via The Economic Times

Air pollution reduces global life expectancy by nearly 2 years, finds new index

The Economic Times introduces the newly released AQLI and quotes EPIC Director Michael Greenstone on how the index differentiates itself from other data on air pollution.

In the News

November 19, 2018

via McClatchy DC

Air pollution is shaving years from people’s lives. Where is it claiming the most?

People could add years to their lives in California and other smog-plagued parts of the world if authorities could reduce particulate pollution to levels recommended by the World Health Organization, EPIC's AQLI study finds.

In the News

November 19, 2018

via Marketplace

Study links air pollution to early death

Marketplace's Scott Tong delves into the study by EPIC's Michael Greenstone and co-authors that shows the average person would live about two years longer if their country met the World Health Organization guideline for particulate matter pollution.


November 19, 2018

What They’re Saying About AQLI

Current and former government officials, academic experts and environmental advocates all support the AQLI. Here’s a collection of some of their thoughts.

In the News

October 29, 2018

via CNN

More than 90% of world’s children breathe toxic air, report says, as India prepares for most polluted season

CNN quotes EPIC's 2017 study that Delhi residents can live as much as nine years longer if the city met WHO standards.

In the News

October 21, 2018

via Bloomberg

The World’s Fastest-Growing Economy Has the World’s Most Toxic Air

Bloomberg quotes EPIC Director Michael Greenstone on the challenges of tackling air pollution in India, citing particulate matter levels from EPIC's AQLI tool.

In the News

October 19, 2018

via Financial Times

Airs and disgraces: how city pollution is killing residents

The Financial Times references findings from EPIC's Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) tool, which calculates how air pollution affects life expectancy by location.

In the News

September 6, 2018

via The Wire

The Updated National Clean Air Programme Is Effectively Blind

The Wire references EPIC's research that Indians can live four years longer on average if the nation complied with WHO standards.