
In the News

March 6, 2019

via Daily Times

Air pollution shortens Pakistanis lives by two years: AQLI reports

AQLI finds that in 2016, 98 percent of Pakistan’s more than 200 million people lived in areas where the annual average particulate pollution level exceeded the WHO guideline.


February 22, 2019

New Report: Air Pollution Cuts Pakistanis’ Lives Short by More Than Two Years

In the most polluted areas, life expectancy is shortened by more than five years, Air Quality Life Index shows.

In the News

February 19, 2019

via The Economist

Video: The Economist on India’s poor air quality

The Economist cites EPIC's Air Quality Life Index in a video that details air pollution in India.

In the News

February 19, 2019

via World Economic Forum

Video: World Economic Forum on the AQLI

The World Economic Forum produced a video that highlights key findings from EPIC's AQLI.

In the News

February 15, 2019

via Asia Insurance Review

China: Life expectancy rises as pollution level falls

According to the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC), big air quality improvements made in the last five years have already been enough to push up average lifespans.

In the News

February 12, 2019

via Dawn

No, India is not responsible for Punjab’s smog. Here’s what’s really happening

Dawn cites AQLI on increase of life expectancy of residents in Lahore

In the News

February 11, 2019

via China Dialogue

The impact of polluted air on life expectancy

China Dialogue discusses the usefulness of a single index like AQLI and how life expectancy could also be correlated to wealth.

In the News

February 7, 2019


Lowering pollution will add a year to life of Maharashtra residents

People living in the most toxic cities of Maharashtra can hope to extend their lives by a year if the state government meets pollution reduction targets mentioned in the recently launched National Clear Air Programme (NCAP). The latest Air Quality life Index (AQLI) study carried out by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago states that the life expectancy of an average Indian can increase by about 1.3 years if the government meets the NCAP's targets.

In the News

February 5, 2019

via Money control

Real estate may add 13% to India’s GDP by 2025. Here are the hurdles that lie ahead

People in India would live an average 4.3 years longer if the country met the global guidelines for particulate pollution, according to the Air Quality-Life Index (AQLI) report by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC). The report noted that the effect of pollution on life expectancy is worse than HIV/AIDS, cigarette smoking and even terrorism.

In the News

February 4, 2019

via Technode

What social media says about China’s war on air pollution

Report suggests that China made significant progress in reducing pollution, adding 2.4 years to life.