
In the News

November 20, 2018

via DNA India

Delhi: Clean air will add 10 years to your life, study reveals

DNA India brings attention to AQLI's findings on India's particulate pollution and its main sources

In the News

November 20, 2018

via Financial Express

Artificial rain to curb Delhi pollution? Government weighing option to fight worsening air condition

Financial Express references AQLI study in discussions of cloud seeding

In the News

November 20, 2018

via Engineering and Technology

Global lifespans being cut by 1.8 years due to air pollution

Air pollution is reducing global lifespans by an average of 1.8 years, according to the University of Chicago’s Air Quality Life Index (AQLI).

In the News

November 20, 2018

via The Guardian

Air pollution cuts two years off global average lifespan, says study

EPIC's analysis finds toxic air trims lifespans by 1.8 years, making it main threat to human health

In the News

November 20, 2018

via Axios

Air pollution reduces average life expectancy by 2 years

With a focus on poor air quality in California from wildfires and air pollution in the U.S. in general, Axios Science Editor Andrew Freedman details the major points of EPIC's AQLI findings.

In the News

November 20, 2018

via The Washington Post

How many years do we lose to the air we breathe?

The Washington Post's data visualization team dives into EPIC's AQLI Report.

In the News

November 20, 2018

via The Indian Wire

India Second Most Polluted Country globally; Delhi’s Air Quality Reduced Life Expectancy by 10 Years, Says Study

The Indian Wire summarize key findings from AQLI

In the News

November 20, 2018

via PRI

Air pollution and life expectancy

EPIC Director Michael Greenstone joins PRI's "The World" to discuss the core findings of the Air Quality Life Index

November 20, 2018

Air Pollution Reduces Life Expectancy by Nearly 2 Years, Study Finds

Air pollution driven by the burning of fossil fuels cuts global average life expectancy by nearly two years per person, according to a first-of-its-kind study by the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute (EPIC).

November 20, 2018

Delhiites’ life expectancy reduced by 10 years due to pollution: report

If air pollution levels in the Capital adhered to World Health Organization (WHO) standards, a typical Delhiite would live 10 years longer, a report released by the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute on Monday stated.